Right Actions




Actions Precede
> Right Actions

  • Realities are consequences of Actions — it is never first a matter of luck or chance, but of actions that preceded

  • Right Actions are not freedom from conditions (this is a situation of Actions Precede) — but it is freedom to take a stand towards the conditions one faces (this is the stage of Right Actions) — Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning

  • Right Actions allows Our People to Receive the Opportunities when Given the Opportunities — this provisioning of Opportunities are a Corporate Purpose of Bayes

  • People Engagement (part of MGT/Leadership) therefore points Our People to Right Actions; Points - not mandate



Purpose — Self & Others
Deliberate Practice

Critical to understand the importance of GRIT to BAYES —
Watch this VIDEO, Read the BOOK



Growth Mentality, Winning Identity.

  1. Know that in being a part of Bayes, our identity is one that have won, am winning, and will continue to win

  2. It is to misconstrue our mentality statement if we think that a Growth Mentality takes away the desire to win; rather ours is not a concept of win at all cost — in the knowing there is something to be won inspiteof a loss, and failures contribute to wins. Failures are a passage of time for a subsequent opportune moment during a right happening.

  3. Wins are no longer for validation, but an overarching purpose

  4. Remove effortless, embrace effortful, never all-knowing, always seeking, face uncertainties and recalibrate what you thought you knew

  5. Know that you don’t know + you don’t know that you already know

Read the BOOK



    1. We agree to disagree so long as it is in the best interest of Bayes. This is tied closely to our concept of Radical Truth

    2. Groupthink — even as we agree to disagree and partake in Radical Truth, a commonality of position must take precedence when Our People represent Bayes

    3. Faith — the longer the working relationship, the more Leadership/MGT has a responsibility to prove that the Interest of Our People and their Good Success are our Corporate Purpose. Reciprocally, Our People must share in this believe; there is a distinction between Faith and Hope

    1. We will call out all short-comings and lack of standards — Leadership/MGT has a responsibility to uphold the consistency of position

    2. He who spares the rod spoils the Child, but He who loves him disciplines him promptly

    3. He who accepts a rebuke will be honored — we want Our People to understand the concept of contrition, and therefore to have the longest working relationship possible

    4. A routine; a consistency of position and a relentless repetition of position

  • We want Our People to learn at a higher order, where it is a level that transcends their existing knowledge and capabilities. This is the challenge to attain a higher level. If one is taught at a level where they are at, they will remain.



Interests Represented

In prioritizing our own interests, the interests of whom we represent* must come first. Value-Creation for Value-Created across what is important, essential and needful ensures One’s individual interests will be met.

Read the BOOK

  • Adam Smith/Economics +
    Koch/The Science of Success/Value-Creation

    The economist Adam Smith summed up this process — It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest – We all tend to pursue our own interests, but in a true market economy, we can only prosper by providing others with what they value.

  • Clients, Candidates, Bayes

    1. Understand Tragedy of the Commons (Unregulated consumption = inefficient use of resources)

    2. Understand NIMBY (Candidates as part of the process, Candidates-in-passing)

    3. The conundrum of picking up a tissue

  • In all of these, we are prioritizing our own interests. Consider the impression and opinion of a Financial Consultant and Realtor as further discussions.



Ensue — not Pursue

  • Why the need for a Purpose — Maslow’s-GRIT-HPC, Career Maturity allows for total understanding of Adam Smith’s concept of Value Creation

  • As PB, We will never judge a Purpose; one is free to seek an individualized purpose. However, our consistent position on People Engagement is that we always encourage Purpose/Others-Oriented at 5th Stage (Self-Actualization) over Purpose/Self-Oriented at 4th Stage (Self-Esteem)

  • A Purpose is not a Mission — The two concepts are binary, but do not represent the same intention and meaning

  • Hope (Believe/Positive Expectation), Waiting (Process), Chance (Time/Happening & Opportune Season) — these 3 tri-factors, work alongside our Medium/Mission in determining whether we achieve our Purpose


These 5 inter-actions make up the Identity of Our People at Bayes